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    • Saturday 8am-5pm -Sunday 9am - 3pmTiming
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    President message

    It is with great pleasure and pride that I welcome you to the 2024 Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Physician Associates. This year's conference holds special significance as we celebrate two remarkable milestones: 25 years of our esteemed association and 30 years of growth in the field of Physician Associates (PAs) in India. Yes, time flies! We are in the 26 th year of the association. From humble beginnings to becoming integral to healthcare delivery, we have upheld standards of excellence, innovation, and patient care.

    The theme, "Reflections of the Past, Visions for the Future," embodies our collective aspirations. Over the past three decades, PAs have evolved into essential healthcare professionals, driving positive change through expanded roles. As we navigate the complexities of modern healthcare, let us continue to innovate and collaborate, ensuring PAs' pivotal role in shaping the future of healthcare delivery.

    This conference provides us with a platform to reflect on our achievements, learn from each other's experiences, and chart a course for the future. Through insightful discussions, cutting- edge research presentations, and interactive workshops, I am confident that we will emerge with renewed energy and enthusiasm to tackle the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

    I eagerly anticipate engaging with each of you during this conference, where we will reflect on achievements, share insights, and chart a course towards a future filled with promise and possibilities.

    Warm regards,
    Gomathi Sundar
    President, Indian Association of Physician Associates


     Zachariah Mar Dionysius Auditorium (III floor)
    The Madras Medical Mission, Mogappair, Chennai
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